Business Insurance
Chambers Insurance has a dedicated team to ensure your business gets the correct coverage, and your needs are met in a timely manner. Every type of business operates in a different way and has different insurance needs. We have the capabilities to tailor policies to all businesses.
Some of the areas we specialize in are listed below:
- Retail Store/Small Business Insurance
- Contractors/ Construction Insurance
- Hospitality/Restaurant Insurance
- Realty Insurance (Rented Dwellings, Income Properties, Commercial/Industrial Plazas)
- Group Benefits
- Manufacturing/Wholesale
- Professional Liability – E&O, D&O, Medical Malpractice
- Pollution Liability
- Commercial Auto Insurance – Fleet – Individual Commercial Vehicles
Our dedicated commercial team is here to take the time to understand what exposures and risks your business operations face day to day and to help you protect it by putting the proper Commercial Insurance Policies in place.
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Commercial Property
Commercial Property insurance policies protect the physical assets that are owned by your business. Whether it be a building, contents, machinery, equipment or stock. A typical Commercial Property Policies is comprised of the following:
- Physical Asset Coverage (Building, Contents)
- Business Interruption Coverage
- Crime Coverage
- Equipment Breakdown Coverage
Like your home insurance, commercial property insurance is based on the location of your business as well as the age of the property, type of construction, fire protection and occupancy of the building among other rating factors.
We have partnered with a number of insurance companies to be able to provide a broad selection of coverages to all industries no matter the size or type of risk we can get you coverage!

General Liability
Commercial General Liability insurance (CGL) is one of the most important insurance policies you can purchase to protect your business. Whether you provide a product or service for compensation, Commercial General Liability Insurance protects your business operations from a variety of liability risks.
When operating any kind of business, you will be exposed to losses from all sorts of unforeseen events. Whether it be claims brought against your business for third party bodily injury or property damage that happen on a business premises, resulting from the production of a product or during the operation of your business procedures off premises.
A Commercial General Liability policy not only covers you for losses where your business is found liable for injury caused to another person or damage to their property, it also includes a number of additional coverages.
- Non-Owned Automobile Liability
- Tenants Legal Liability
- Medical Payments

Commercial Auto
If you operate your own business and use your vehicle on a day to day for commercial use, it should be insured commercially. In some instances you if it is incidental business use you are able to list a commercial vehicle under your personal policy. There are many different classes of vehicles which apply different rating factors, the rating class of a vehicle is based on the normal usage and weight. Some classes require that you have insurable experience, like for a heavy vehicle. We do have the capabilities to write insurance for heavy vehicles even without the industry standard 3 years of experience. Some differences between personal auto insurance and commercial auto insurance include:
- Typical liability limit $2,000,000
- Towed Trailers must be listed on your policy to have their liability extended from the towing vehicle
- All drivers employed by your company must be listed – even if they only operate a vehicle occasionally
- Different policies and coverages for Individual Vehicles, Fleet vehicles and Heavy Vehicles.

Professional & Miscellaneous Liability
- Errors & Omissions: E&O insurance is Recommended for anyone who provides professional services or consulting in exchange for payment or if you provide or develop products. This is a supplementary coverage that is usually paired with a CGL policy and it protects professionals from a client whom claims a financial loss resulting from the services or lack of services provided by them. A CGL policy covers lawsuits resulting from third-party property damage or bodily injury where an E&O covers lawsuits resulting from negligent, misconduct or failure to deliver on advice or a service as promised. Professional associations for consultants, agents, financial planners and more will require that an E&O policy is put in place prior to you being able to serve the public.
- Directors & Officers: Any organization that is governed by a board of directors requires D&O coverage, whether the organization is non-profit or not. All individuals who sit on the board are held accountable for their actions. D&O provides liability protection for your individual board members from personal losses should a claim be filed against them as a result of serving as a director or officer or your company’s board of directors as a whole. Claims may arise from mismanagement of funds or breach of fiduciary duties, misrepresentation to shareholders or others, failure to comply to regulations. This type of policy provides coverage for legal fees or other costs in defending your organization should a law suit be brought against the board.
- Medical Malpractice: There are two types of medical malpractice insurance, Clinical and non-clinical. Any Practitioner offering a professional healthcare service or healthcare advice to the public should consider obtaining malpractice insurance. A Medical Malpractice policy provides protection for medical professionals against claims related to their clinical activities whether it be allegations of misconduct or negligence, errors and omissions or treatment related injuries.

Group Benefits
Group Benefits plans can be purchased by your employer to help cover the cost of things that are not covered by the provincial health care plan. Group Benefits are customizable to cater to each companies needs.